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     The Jesus Film Project (Movie) produced by Campus Crusade for Christ is the most widely translated movie of all time. It has been translated into thousands of languages and over 10,800 people every single day make decisions to follow Christ after watching this powerful video. We at Gospel Tract Ministries want to see this movie viewed by as many as possible free of charge. This video / audio is available in over 4000 languages. To view it, please click the free Jesus film link below. Select the country and language of your choice and enjoy !                                        

                                                       FREE JESUS FILM


Contact us with any Bible question you may have by clicking the FB icon at the bottom of this page.  This will allow you to send your question to us through messenger.  If it is in the Bible we will find it. We will Give you chapter, verse as well as any other information to answer your question. 

Rev. Steven Shull


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